> 文章列表 > be born with与be born to区别 iwasbornforthis

be born with与be born to区别 iwasbornforthis

be born with与be born to区别 iwasbornforthis

be born with与be born to区别

区别就是两者都是be born+介词短语,但意思是不一样的,具体不同如下

be born with中文意思是天生具有

For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾,说明产科护理有问题。

be born to中文意思是天生注定

This is urgent to create the necessary quantum jump which we need to be born to ourselves.

This is the town _________ I was born是填where还是which

This is the town _________ I was born.



born alone是什么意思

born alone 生来是孤独的 双语例句

1 Heros are born to be alone and forlorn. 英雄生来是孤独的。

2 And this great republic born alone in liberty is leading the world toward a new age when freedom belongs to all nations. 我们这个与自由共同降生的伟大共和国,正引领世界走向一个自由属于所有国家的新时代。


Q1: \"Be born with\"和\"be born to\"到底啥区别啊?

A1: 哎呀,这个其实挺简单的!\"Be born with\"意思是“天生就有的”,比如你可以说“I was born with a talent for music”(我天生就有音乐天赋),而\"be born to\"呢,它表示“注定要成为”或者“生来就是为了”,I was born to be a singer”(我生来就是为了当歌手),一个是讲你生来就带的东西,另一个是说你生来就有某个使命或者命运。

Q2: 那标题里的\"I was born for this\"又是啥意思?

A2: 哈哈,这个就更直接了!\"I was born for this\"意思是“我天生就是为了这个”,感觉就像是说这件事就是为你量身定做的,你生来就是为了做这个的,比如你在一个特别擅长的领域里,突然感觉“哇,我真的是天生就是为了做这个的!”就是那种超契合、超有成就感的感觉。

Q3: 能不能举个栗子区分一下\"be born with\"和\"be born to\"?

A3: 当然可以啊!比如说,\"She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth\"(她生来就含着金汤匙),这个就是\"be born with\",意思是她天生就很有钱,再比如,\"He was born to be a leader\"(他生来就是为了当领导),这个就是\"be born to\",意思是他天生就有领导才能,注定要当领导,你看,一个是讲你生来就有的东西,一个是讲你生来就注定要做的事。

Q4: 那这几个短语在日常口语中常用吗?

A4: 还挺常用的!\"Be born with\"和\"be born to\"在聊天的时候经常能听到,特别是用来形容某人的天赋或者命运的时候,至于\"I was born for this\",这个更是经常用来表达那种“这件事就是为我准备的”的激动心情,比如你做了一件特别棒的事,朋友们可能会说“You were born for this!”(你天生就是为了这个!),感觉超赞的!